

27/06/2005 - Telehealth is implemented in health centres in Venda Nova.

The Ceú Azul Health Centre makes its first teleconsultation this Friday, June 17, at 11 o'clock. The unit is one of the firsts to benefit from the expansion of the telemedicine project in the Venda Nova region. The unit is at Alice Marques street n.187, Ceú Azul neighbourhood, and it covers an area where 18,000 people live.

Daily, around 800 users are attended in the unit, which counts with six family health teams, gynaecologist, paediatrician, teams of dentists and mental health.
The Telehealth project "BHTELEMED" is aimed for professionals of family health and allows clinical case discussion in "real" time, using videoconferences and sharing medical records and images.

The project started in March 2004, made possible by a partnership between the City Hall of Belo Horizonte, the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the GVC(Group of Civil Volunteers) from Bologna, Italy, with financing from the @LIS program - Aliance for a information society - from the European Union.
It was implemented initially in 14 basic health units in the western region of the city connected virtually to the "Clínicas" Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

The project formulates a model of telehealth/telemedicine for less complex levels of the health system, specially the primary level. Through the project it's possible to solve around 80% of clinical cases.

The BHTELEMED allows second medical diagnoses related to a certain case and, in this way, a quicker and more secure solution can be found and patients can be treated in the health centres.

In the western region of the city, 75% of the cases debated via telemedicine were treated in health centres and were not taken to any hospitals.
Another use of Telemedicine is the continued education of health professionals, establishing courses and long distance training courses.
In September 2004 was held the first international Telehealth event, with the transmission of a lecture on Asthma , transmitted from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaires of Rouen, France, to the "Clínicas" Hospital and to the 14 health centres.
The Municipal Secretary's Office of Health plans to implement the BHTELEMED in other health units, covering all the regions of the capital.

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