    The @lis Programme
The HCN Project
The Sub-projects
    Appointment Scheduling System
Eletronic medical records
Labour Health and Security

The @LIS Program

The co-operation program @LIS, an information society alliance, was born after a political dialogue, established in june/99 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), between the heads of state of the European Union and Latin America.

Through the @LIS, the European Commission wishes to reduce the digital gap, extend the advantages of the information society to Latin American citizens and contribute to the social cohesion in both regions.

The @LIS was created by a decision of the European Commission in December 6 2001. It disposes of a total funding of 77,5 million Euros, of which 63,5 millions are subsided by the European Commission, the rest comes from program associates.

Its objectives are to:
· Stimulate the co-operation among European and Latin American participants;
· Facilitate the integration of Latin American countries in a global information society;
· Promote the dialogue among all the actors and users of the information society;
· Enrich the interconnection between investigating communities of both regions;
· Answer the needs of citizens and local communities;
· Put into practice innovating applications, through demonstration projects.

The demonstration project Health Care Network-HCN: Health assistance network uses technology to accelerate and improve the health development of citizens. The HCN aims to demonstrate the successful experience of e-health in Belo Horizonte/Brazil, in public health policies.

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